Tag Archives: History

Honoring Veterans Over the Holidays

As a nation, we honor veterans, their service, and their sacrifices throughout the year, but we also honor them during the holiday season. As we prepare for the holidays this week, we wanted to highlight some of the unique ways veterans and servicemembers are recognized during this time of year. Wreaths Across America Wreaths across […]

A Brief History of Wounded Veterans in America: Part 2

In Part 1 (read it here!) I focused on the evolution of visible and invisible injuries throughout the history of America’s military engagements. For Part 2, I’m focusing on the compensation for wounded veterans and the expectations for their lives after their injuries… Pensions & Compensation: What Do We Owe the Wounded Veteran? Wounded and […]

A Brief History of Wounded Veterans in America: Part 1

Examining the Visible and Invisible Wounds of War The public’s attention span towards wounded veterans is short-lived, despite the fact that the physical and mental effects of war can linger for a lifetime. Research has shown that the medical needs for veterans will peak thirty years after the conflict has ended. For Iraq and Afghanistan […]